kalo keluar pon just tok beli makanan...
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aq la ex-mrsm muadzam,
mrsm terkemuke kat Malaysia,
sokmo ranking first dalam rank mrsm se-malaysia
bangge gak
aq rindu giler ngan mrsm mzms,
byk giler kenangan aq kat sane,
ade yg best, tp ade gak ade yg sakit sgt...
tp yg best is my class
5 Al Hambali (507)
dak2 sume gempak2 n cantik@kacak belake x caye tgk r pic ni


i follow her career since her first episode in Hannah Montana,
and i know her very2 much...

org yg x berape nak kenal die,
sibuk kate, die x best (bitch)
she's not a bitch
I repeat, she's not a BITCH!!!!!!!!
n rmai gak yg melemparkan pelbagai fitnah n gosip yg bukan2 pasal die....

ni yg wat aq marah ni...
ye la, she is my favorite celebrity n one of my idol
for me she just perfect
hot, talented, smart,
she is actress, singer, composer n all the art things
so what all of u wanted from her more?????

pastu aq ade dgr gak
dak2 kat intec
n dak2 kat luar intec kate die not talented
cube r dgr die wat concert live woii
br leh judge die talented or not
obviously, die talented giler
x macam certain
popular singer that miming all the time

please stop hate Miley n call her a bitch
she not a bitch and deserve to get a love from us

shits, aq da terover
hahaha, baboon tol....
tp pedulik pe aq...
da aq ske die, aq harus pertahankan die r....
GO MiLEY!!!!!
(p/s: Miley will be my gf someday... just wait!.. I will kick Justin Gaston ass!!!!!!!)
tengok vid ni
mesti korang kagum
Friendship can be defined in million ways. Friendship is a relationship that has many dimensions and styles. Friendship can be of between any two or persons and there is no compulsion of age, gender, geography, race, creed or nationality. People living in this world are equally to prone to the relationship of friendship. Friendship has no boundaries and no limits. Convenience friends, special interest friends, historical friends and many more, are all the type of friends we have. There were everywhere, but maybe we cannot notice and distinguish them. But the matter is, who are our real friends? As we generally thought, friend’s interpretations must be honest and straightforward to each other. They ought to agree each other’s opinions and support self-awareness to each other. They don’t walk away when troubles come to us, but to give us hands. Such civilization of friend identities really put me into a hideaway, deeper and deeper. The more I experience the more I thought that friends are definitely brutal, deceived and distrustful.
According to my experience in friendship, I had realized, friends are the person who take an advantages from each other. They are relentlessly impact their sentiment. They will approach you when they need you, but they never regard you when you need them. There are too many evidences that show how and why my best friend betrayed me all the time. Throughout the incidence has occurred on me that I am thoroughly assured friends are absolutely selfish, distrustful, foolish, and sorrowful. My past memory had frequently emerged in my brain that my best friend has betrayed me again and again.
Since I was in primary school, I had met several best friends, one of them are the special one. We went out together, study together and did almost everything together. We even shared the money we had and no secret at all between us. Such of happiness made us even closely like blood brother. We were all were well known to each of our parents, because we were always doing things together and I sometimes stayed at his house.
Everything going smoothly until one day, I realized he was such rubbish. I have several reasons for saying that. Firstly, he is a hypocrite person. Before this I do not actually realize that he have that kind of attitude until one day he had proved me wrong. He acts like a noble person in front of me and his family, but at outside he was a jerk. He bullied small kid, smoking and enjoying vandalism. He also very cruel toward animal and I had witnessed he simply kick a cute kitten without any sympathy. He always confront to me that he hate cigarette, never bullied people, love animal and enjoying every single good thing he done, but in reality, he is opposite. Furthermore, not only this but he also always cheated on me. During both us study at boarding school, he cheated on me that he really not have any single cent to survive because his family have massive financial problems. Such faith of parents influenced me to lend him a few hundred ringgit. However, later I found him spent all the money for his girlfriends and surprisingly, his family actually not have any financial problems. From that time on, he broke his promise to pay my money back and has not even give a call until now
Besides that, he also always talk bad thing at my back. I admitted that it was my fault to share my secrets and express my feeling on him. I never thought he will spread all my secrets and even exaggerated the covert until made people’s perspective toward me become bad. Moreover, he also had made fun of me in front of many people and I definitely think such actions are very unforgivable. I really feel awkward at the moment, and break our friendship at that time. Confronting frustrations that I recessed the reasons why my friend had chosen to cheat on me, because I was too dependable on him. I shared my secrets and feeling. I sacrificed most of things which have never thought to achieve them back. I also had being extremely excessive in believe people who never shared their secrets or thoughts with me. This is all because I believe, if we really find ones who we can trust on, we should treasure them but not to destroy them.
Friends are variety groups of people who help each other, comfort to each other, and encourage each other. However, they can destroy our feeling and dignities. They can grab everything you have and gone for permanently. Friends could bring happiness or could give hand to you to be succeeded. But at the same time it also can be revise of the opposite sides or make you lost even more than he or she helped you gain. There has such proverb saying “the more love you receive the more pain you pay” it is truer than ever since. But now, I’m very thankful to god because give me a lot of friends and a very best friends. I believe, all the things come for reasons. In my case, I have a bad experience about friends and it eventually turn me into open-minded person and carefully when it comes to choose a friend. And it will answer the question, friendship is real!!!!!